Poesía, cuentos, series, curiosidades, política, fotografía, cementerios del mundo, religión, festivales de música... todo tiene cabida si me parece interesante y creo que te puede interesar. Gracias por pasar, no te olvides de volver a visitarme pronto.
Ok, I have continued with the 4 ways. Which had you choosen? #FF #Army
Ya tenéis el capítulo 5 añadido 😊
Ya tenéis el capítulo 4 añadido 😊
Ya tenéis el capítulo 3 añadido 😊
Ya tenéis el capítulo 2 añadido 😊
Hacía mucho que no me pasaba por aquí, pero no he estado de brazos cruzados. Desde el domingo pasado hay una nueva historia que he escrito, se titula Were you hiding from me? y, como he puesto en el título de esta entrada, es un fan fiction escrito en inglés que podréis encontrar en Wattpad.
Aquí os dejo el enlace: https://www.wattpad.com/story/278810887-were-you-hiding-from-me
Cada domingo y cada miércoles iré subiendo contenido de esta historia.
¿Qué la hace especial? Para empezar, llegados a un punto de la trama se podrá escoger entre cuatro caminos diferentes y, dentro cada uno de ellos, habrá dos finales. ¿Cuál elegiréis vosotros?
Está escrita en inglés porque en principio, allá por marzo, sólo iba a recoger una idea para que una creadora de vídeos FF tuviera una idea con la que hacer uno nuevo y diferente, y obviamente no era española, nuestra manera de comunicarnos era el inglés. Cuatro meses más tarde, tengo 225 páginas escritas y aún queda mucho por contar.
Dicho lo cual, si os animáis ya me contaréis si os gusta. Si es así, por favor, pinchar en la estrella para que más gente la conozca y, si consideráis que se merece una oportunidad, compartid el enlace.
Muchas gracias.
"Y/N has forbidden to be near any of the boys. She was employed as a cleaning lady at Big Hit Entertainment. In any case, she does not coincide with them since she worked at night. Still, it wouldn't have occurred to her. She was shy by nature and these boys, although they were almost the same age, commanded her a lot of respect. They were like the gods of the place, although they behaved in a modest way (some more than others), the people gave way to them and did whatever they requested. If she had ever by chance heard them about to leave late at night, she would hide, or put her head down and get out of their way. She liked to work at night, it was quiet, no one bothered her, so she would put on her music and sing while she picked up waste bins, scrubbed floors, or dusted the shelves. Where she could not enter was the "genius laboratory", better known as Min Yoongi's studio. In fact, she had entered the company replacing the previous employee who was fired when she had trespassed that door. Y/N didn't have the slightest interest in ending up like her predecessor, so she didn't bother, it wasn't worth opening Pandora's box. One day she was vacuuming when she thought she heard something strange. She stopped it and it was repeated. They were grunts of frustration. And they came out of the genius laboratory. The door slammed open, causing her a fright, and she watched as Suga made his way to the bathroom without even realizing she was there. Y/N put down the vacuum cleaner and ducked to hide between the desks, waiting for him to go back into his office without him noticing her presence. It seemed eternal, but finally she heard the door and stood up. - Were you hiding from me? And that was the phrase that changed her life forever". As the story progresses, you could choose between four different paths and, within those four, two endings for each story. What will you choose?